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Trident Foot & Ankle’s Modular Foot-Osteosynthesis System offers a wide selection of plates, screws and all the required instrumentation for placement.  The comprehensiveness of the system lends itself to a wide variety of fixation options for common indications in trauma and reconstructive surgery of the foot.  The modular design of the instrumentation allows the clinical facility to configure an instrumentation/implant offering exactly tailored to their surgical needs. 
The purpose of Trident Foot & Ankle is to provide our customers with quality orthopedic - foot & ankle devices to ensure reliable & reproducible surgical outcomes. Trident Foot & Ankle’s core values are paramount: Innovation, Service & Integrity & are reflected in our commitment to cost effective health care solutions, education & the continued research of emerging device technologies in an effort to increase our patients’ quality of life.












Gavin Monson

Vice President of Sales

Simon Casoria



Simon’s story began in Coronado California in 1990.  After successfully graduating from the U.S. Navy’s Basic Underwater Demolition – SEAL (BUDs) training, Simon went on to serve 12 years in various theaters of operation around the globe.  Upon leaving the US Navy, Simon successfully leveraged many of the same skills needed by SEALS into a successful Orthopedic Sales profession.  Never shying away from a challenge, Simon took the ultimate next step and started his own business by creating the Trident brand and portfolio of solutions tailored to the individual needs of the orthopedic customer.  The beachhead of Simon’s vision of this personalized approach became a reality with the release of the Trident Foot & Ankle line.  But the story doesn’t end here…


Life in the SEAL Teams is predicated entirely on success of the team vs. the individual.  Always true to this mantra, Simon turned to one of his SEAL teammates to help further evolve his vision.  In 2014, Rick Wallace joined the Trident Team.  Rick has literally been part of the Trident story from the beginning.  Both Simon and Rick were graduates of BUDS Class 177, where they were roommates and remained close friends throughout their careers in the US Navy.  After over 25 years in the SEAL Teams, Rick joined Simon to once again leverage their collective experience in solving problems where intelligence, strategy, execution, coordinated team approach are critical to survival and success.  A philosophy of work where failure is not an option along with an unmatched desire to succeed where others would quit or fail will continue to differentiate Trident Orthopedics as a leader in quality within the Orthopedic industry.


Michael Batchelder 

Sales Representative. Florida

Zachary Stewart

Sales Representative, Florida

Rick Wallace

Sales Executive, Florida

Mark Weaver

Chicago Distributor

Executive Team

Sales Team

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